Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Was On Safari... Or Abducted By Aliens... Or Maybe I Was Just Lazy

It's been a while since I've posted, almost two whole weeks. I know, I know. I'm a slacker. But I have a really good excu... Nope. Nevermind. I got nothing. I was on "vacation" all last week and didn't even get online. I had high hopes for vacation week, however Mother Nature was in league with the forces of darkness so it rained. Every day. All day. I didn't get any work done in the garden so I'm gonna have a ton to do when it dries out some. I didn't get any "spring" cleaning done, either. That was just because I was super lazy. I DID, however, watch a LOT of television and play games on the computer. I'm just proud no one at my house went to the hospital all week. Or jail. This is the first time all three of us have been together for a week straight in over a year. And we were *together*. In each other's business and up each other's butts for a WEEK straight! That's a lot of hours... Anyway, I've decided all that down time is not so good for me. If my life were a color these days it would be brown. I've just been kinda blech lately. I don't have any kind of motivation to do much of anything.

The point to this long, drawn out ramble is: This is not a "real" post. I have about 5 new ones in the works that will be coming this week. Some with pictures and even audio. (Gasp! I know, right?) So, stay tuned for (hopefully) better content.....

1 comment:

  1. All posts are real posts lol. I have to believe that or I've got nothing, ever.
