Just riding a camel in the desert. I think this is Lawrence of Arabia. Or maybe the Mummy before he got mummified. Whatever. The camel was cool.
Me and The Duke. I really just did this for my dad, who is a John
Wayne superfan. I don't like him (John Wayne, not my dad)
because when I was growing up I was forced to watch every. single. movie. he ever made
Go ahead, punk. Make my day. He looks scary. I just look confused. Maybe because I needed a gun. And a cigar.
I thought they were the cops. Jenifer corrected me and said they were the bad guys. Or maybe that's vice versa. We look sad to be in jail, though. So there's that.
At this point I was hungry and wished Forrest's "chocklates" was real. And what's up with my hair?
Nobody puts Baby in a corner. And nobody can keep their balance on that stupid log, either. Theses pictures were captured seconds before we each fell off. I tried to get Jenifer to do the lift with me, but no such luck. Besides, we wouldn't have had anyone to take our picture while lifting...
Live long and prosper. This was my idea and everyone after us did the same thing. I was offended, until I realized I should be flattered. It's not like anyone else would have thought of something this cool. I'm confused, though. Which one is the REAL captain? Kirk or Picard?
Ok. Only about eleventy billion more posts to go.....
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